Arxiu de la categoria: Common Genet

Common Genet photo hide sample

Along all 2013 we have been working in a new photo hide for Common Genet, a poorly known small carnivore living in South Europe and Africa.

The hide is place in a mixed forest near Tremp (Catalan Pyrenees) and it is the fruit of several months of field work. From all this work we have selected some of the most interesting images to offer a sample of what a photo session with these Common Genets can be.

What you will see in this video?

In this video you will see a adult female (called Flors) taking care of a group of four young Genets born in September. At the same time you will also see a son of Flors born the past spring but that has remained along with her and it seems to take care of the youngest.

Hope you will enjoy it as we did when spending time with them!